I've probably said this a thousand times throughout my photography journey but I'll say it again: If you have cute models, it is hard to create bad images. That was absolutely the case with these two cuties. Siblings Ezra & Sienna were so full of energy and personality. At the beginning of all of my sessions I spend a few moments talking with my clients in an effort to get to know them a little better and hopefully capture moments that are authentically them. With Ezra, I decided to talk to him about what animals he thought lived in the nature center. When he responded, "I think maybe a Gruffalo," I knew this was going to be a fun session. His darling sister Sienna made me work for even the slightest smile but when I finally captured it, the feeling of accomplishment made the moment all that much sweeter. My heart just about leaped out of my chest when she took my hand and walked over to the playground equipment.  "I can't believe she is holding your hand right now. That's great!" her mother said quietly with a smile. It's those type of moments that make me cherish this path that I have chosen.
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