I had the pleasure of taking family portraits of one of my dear friends and her family last week. These images are special to me for many reasons not the least of which being that these people mean a great deal to me. For the location of this shoot, we settled on the Rice Dryers in Katy. While the iconic dryers act as merely a backdrop in these images, the served their purpose and I am very pleased with the results.
I have driven by this location many times and have always thought it would make a great spot for a photo shoot so I was thrilled when the Carlton family agreed to have their portrait session take place there.
This being my first time shooting at the Dryers, I wasn't quite sure what to expect and, to be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed at all the possibilities the location offered me. From the massive dryers themselves to the perfectly placed railroad tracks along side the building, the choices were aplenty.
I had a few takeaways from this shoot. First and foremost: I love this family. At a very close second: I need better bug spray. (The mosquitos were KILLER). And finally: I love what I do. It is truly an honor to be the one chosen to capture these beautiful and intimate moments in people's lives.
I can't end this blog post without giving a huge shout out to Nicki who was a fantastic model throughout the session. She was down for every pose and location I suggested. She brought so much personality to this shoot and that is the true reason it was such a success. Thank you, Nicki. I hope you had as much fun as I did.